Saturday, December 20, 2008

I live in Virginia

Random, yes i know- But i do now live in Virginia. And so does my sweet boyfriend :)

Dedication to Anna

so anna and i were talking on the phone for hours tonight- and decided to make blogs! i think i'm going to regret this. and this may or may not be my last posting! does this make me a dork? WAAAA!

In honor of our co-decision, I have decided to dedicate this posting to my bff annie. Because i'm some sort of nomad and decide to move every 2 days, I haven't even seen Anna for like ummm.... over a year and half!!! you would have never known because we talk all the time! anna is getting married in april, and i get to see her in february and i think we should bring boxes of kleenex to wipe up all our tears when we are reunited!

testing one two three?

does anyone understand my play on words with my title? is anyone one even reading this?
"erin go braugh" means "ireland forever." braugh is close to blog. blog is changed to brog because i'm 1/2 chinese and R's get mixed up with L's. understand?